One of the great things about belonging to a world wide foodie forum is the abundance of great ideas to have a go at and the 24 hour support that you can draw on! Rosie and Maria have a great new blog called Sweet and Simple Bakes which issues a challenge each month to help and encourage newbie bakers and to add to the repetoire of the more experienced! I missed last months as I didn't have my act together quickly enough but this months looked too good to miss so here it is!

The Ultimate Double Chocolate Cookies!
The recipe can be found at
The recipe was so easy to do and I actually made 21 so that the cook could have a little perk too! The cookies are really lovely and chocolatey with some crunch around the edge but a chewy centre and robust enough to stay whole in a school lunchbox! If you're new to baking do try them as I'm sure you'll not be disappointed!
Your cookies look wonderful Jilly and well done :)
I have left you a message on the SSB Recipe site re: badge to add to your site :)
Rosie x
Very yummy looking Jilly.
And your blog is looking really good too. Nice layout, good colours that show up the photo's.
Good fun this blogging lark ay?
Love Sal
Gorgeous cookies, you have me craving chocolate now...the napkin is rather pretty too :)
They look gorgeous! I've not made mine, yet :)
Thanks Rosie! I think I'm all linked up to SS&B now!
Sal, Thanks for stopping by. LOL You're right, this blogging lark is ful if a little time consuming!!!
Laura, the cookies are so chocolatey and I'm glad that you liked the napkin, my family nearly left home when they saw them!!!
Kelly-Jane, hurry up and make them as they are really delish!!!
They look delicious! A chocolholics dream.
They look wonderful. Have tagged you btw.
Your cookies look absolutely delish!! I will be making mine sometime next week before posting the round-up, can't wait! ;o)
great double chocolate cookies entry for simple bake challenge..i run out of time to participate! your cookies look delicious !
I absolutely agree with you that these cookies are yummy :-)
It's true. I'm a newbie in baking cookies, and I really happy that I tried this recipe :)
Thanks one and all for your lovely comments.
Hi dhanggit,chawanmushi and sefa. Thanks so much for taking a look!
Great looking cookies and pretty napkin!
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